This 1976 GMC MotorHome, "Palm Beach", was a favorite when it was made and remains so today!

A line up GMC MotorHomes at a Colonial Travelers rally.

The Colonial Travelers is a club of friendly and helpful people sharing their time, experiences, knowledge with other like minded people in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York.

This 1976 GMC MotorHome, "Palm Beach", was a favorite when it was made and remains so today!

GMC ​Colonial Travelers Club

Welcome fellow GMC Motorhome enthusiasts & owners.
The GMC Colonial Traveler club was chartered in 1981 as a Chapter of the Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) with membership within a 250 mile radius of Morris Co., New Jersey.
The 1973-1978 "TZE" GMC Motorhome is our Recreation Vehicle of choice, desire or possibly obsession. GMC Colonial Traveler rallies are held from Spring through Fall, a schedule and other details are shown elsewhere on this site. Come and join in the friendship, fun and exchanges of GMC information and knowledge that exists here. We look forward to meeting you soon as a "new acquaintance" and soon becoming an "old friend".
Please contact any club officer or member to answer your questions. Looking forward to seeing you soon.